Allum Engineering
- Has for five decades, served the Marine, Energy and Process industries
- Delivers Multidiscipline engineering, fabrication and turnkey solutions
- Is a system integrator, enabling client technology
- Keeps our clients need in focus

Øivind Allum mottok gründerstjerne
I år er det 50 år siden Øivind Allum startet ingeniør firma i Sandefjord. For dette ble han hedret og mottok en gründerstjerne i Dronningensgate på utsiden av Gründeriet. Målet med stjerne er å hedre noen av de som har skapt store arbeidsplasser og bidratt til å forme Sandefjord til den byen er i dag. Øivind har vært helt sentral i etableringen og utviklingen av ingeniørselskaper som har resultert i at kompetanse som har sin opprinnelse fra shipping og verftsindustrien i Sandefjord er bevart, videreutviklet og videreført i byen. Øivind Allum er i dag styreleder og aktivt engasjert i Allum Engineering og tilknyttede selskaper.
“Gründer Øivind Allum, f.1947, Ingeniør. Har etablert flere banebrytende ingeniørselskaper i Sandefjord som Allum Engineering, Allum Marine og Allum Industrier, samt medvirket til etablering av flere andre industriselskaper i byen. En av initiativtakerne til Sandefjord Fotball og Sandefjord Golf.”
Our markets

Cable Equipment
- Production-, handling-, transport- and storage- equipment for subseaq umbilicals and marine HV-cables
- Planning of cable laying operations
- Cable laying barge engineering
- Cable laying vessels modifications and mobilisation

- Ship modifications and conversions
- Electrification of vessels
- Zero emission vessels
- Sea fastening and marine operations planning
- Lightship survey and stability calculations

Process Industry
- Design of purpose-built modules and equipment
- Process pant layout and design
- Water treatment systems
- Integration of heat recovery and regeneration system

- Modifications and upgrades of FLNGs, FPSOs, FSUs and Drilling Rigs
- Studies and pre- engineering
- Rig Intake support
- Modules, structures and mechanical equipment
- CFU Water treatment

Water treatment
- Allum’s proprietary technology for treatment of oily water
- Low Reject, less than 0.1%
- Compact Flotation
- Tested at Equinor
- Patent Pending

What we do
Allum Engineering’s core engineering core competencies are:
- Structural analysis and design of structures
- Mechanical equipment design
- Piping and pressure vessel analyses and design
- Navel Architecture and Marine engineering
- Structural and mechanical integration engineering
- Material expertise and engineering
- Design of lifting appliances and purpose-built crane systems
Management system according to ISO 9001

Marine Cable handling equipment
- Turntables and baskets for;
- Production
- Transport
- Storage

Shore and deck cable handling equipment
- Spooling lines
- Pick Up arms
- Laydown quadrants
- Roller tables
- Overboard and pick up
- chutes
- Sheaves
- Foundations
- Lifting tables

Compact Flotation Units (CFU)
- Allums own proprietary technology for treatment of oily water.
- Main features are low reject, less than 0.1%, high efficiency at low oil concentrations.

Handling crane
- Container top mounted service crane
- Capacity at sea: 1.0mT @ 10.3m at HS 2.0m

Zero emission Work Boat
- 12 m lenght work boad
- 13 hours operation at 8 knots
- 528 kW battery pack
- 6 Tonnes and 20 m2 deck capacity